SLC-505 and ControlLogix

The Program

Program’s Main Screen

Data Exchange between SLC-505 and ControlLogix PLC

- This program exchanges two kinds of data registers:  The first type is Real Array registers and the second type is a Single Integer register (Int).  

- The Real Registers are a Real array and consists of 2 to 50 registers.   The number of registers are defined in both PLCs and the exact number exchange is give by the ‘Array Length’ variable.  The array length shown here is for a 10 element array (0 to 9).

- The SLC PLC uses 16 bit Integer (Int) registers.  Since this may not be enough bits to exchange discrete values, I have increase the number of integer registers from 1 (as in the other programs) to a maximum of 5.  This will allow you (I assume) more than enough bits to transfer the your discrete values.


- The bit positions are preserved for both the SLC-505 and the ControlLogix PLCs.  

- LASTLY…. Be sure you use Integer Registers in the ControlLogix PLC and NOT Double Integer (Dint) registers.

- Note: To access a Program tag array (as opposed to a Global tag array), use this format:
